Thursday, October 4, 2007

Tossing His Tacos

My poor baby is sick. I heard him fussing about on his monitor in the middle of the night, and I went upstairs to check on him. Ack! He'd thrown up all down the front of himself. Unfortunately, hubby was out of town, so I was flying solo with puke duty.

So, at about 1:00 a.m., I gave Nicholas a bath and changed him into new jammies. He fell back asleep on the floor of his room, so I was able to change his sheets and mattress pad and clean everything up. I carefully placed him back in his crib and headed back to bed.

Thankfully, I am a light sleeper. At about 3:00 a.m., I heard him fussing around again. He was making the telltale "I'm about to throw up" sound, so I ran upstairs and grabbed him out of his crib.....not fast enough, though! This time, some ended up on the wall behind the crib.

Once again, he had a bath and got new jammies. Instead of putting on new sheets on his crib mattress, I covered his mattress in huge beach towels -- about five of them! If he threw up, then it would make it easier to clean up. I could just remove that "layer" or towel and not have to completely redo it all.

That was it for the puke fest, however. The next day, I worked from home and kept Nicholas with me. He seemed pretty good, a little fussy. His appetite was decreased [to be expected!], but he kept it all down......

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Lucky you...