Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Christmas Came Early.....

....And it's called FATHER'S DAY! Wow, it's been a wild ride, Mr. Toad. Since May 30 or so, we've had record-breaking sales every day. Even the weekend was good, and the weekends are almost never good. So, if you are reading this, and you bought something from us for Dad, then THANK YOU! You rock!

This mad flurry of Dad Day sales motivated me to create some new designs for Dad. I've been so busy with my new job that I just haven't had time to work on anything new. :( Boo hoo, I know. So, I stayed up late one night and worked on some ideas that have been sitting on scraps of paper in my office.

That's usually what happens -- I get an idea, and I frantically search for a piece of paper to write it on, or else it could be gone in seconds. Funny.....wasn't that way BEFORE I had a baby.....?

What was I saying.....?

Oh yes, ideas. So, I pulled out some scraps, chuckled at a few, groaned at some others, and got to work. The result?

She's Having My Baby
Don't Need Directions

Okay, so that's all I had time to do for Dad.....I did work on some new designs in Spanish, too, but I will save those for my next post.....and some new baby designs, including a little series about baby starting the "Terrible Two's" early......please check them out!

Happy Father's Day to all, and to all....a good night! [Like I said, Christmas came early.....]

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