Thursday, August 23, 2007

I'm Walking. Yes, Indeed.....

My good friend and Maid of Honor, Diane, has a son who was born a mere eleven hours after Nicholas. Her baby started walking around 9.5 months....while Nick remained on all fours. I began to wonder, "Is there something wrong with MY baby....? Why isn't HE walking yet?? When will he walk? And when should I be worried....?"

Perhaps you are asking yourself these same, here is some information to put your mind at ease. It's possible you have a baby with a big, ole noggin' like mine! I'm not sure how that kid could balance that thing....but he's learning!

On August 22, my almost 1-year-old took his first steps, and I started crying! I was so happy to be there! I'd been afraid that I would miss this amazing milestone.....

More about Babies/Toddlers and walking:

When and how it happens
Your child has been training for his first steps from the day he was born. Over the first year, he has been developing his muscle strength and coordination, and has mastered one physical feat after another, from sitting to rolling over to crawling or scooting. Once he nailed these skills, he was ready to move on to pulling himself up to a standing position and even cruising around a room while holding on to furniture for support. After that, it's been a matter of gaining the confidence and balance to set out on his own. Learning to walk takes a lot of practice, which can go on for a long time. And mastering it is a major advance in your toddler's struggle to become more independent.

12 to 18 months
Most children take their first steps between 11 and 14 months, but the normal range for reaching this milestone is very broad. Some kids walk as early as 8 months, others as late as 17 months. Don't worry if your child is one of the later ones — what's important is the progression of skills. If your child was a little late learning to roll over and crawl, chances are he'll need a few extra weeks or months for walking as well. As long as he keeps learning new things, you don't have to be too concerned.

Soon after your toddler takes his first steps, he'll learn to stoop down and then stand back up again. If your child's an early walker, he's probably enamored of toys that he can push or pull as he toddles.

19 to 24 months
As your child becomes more sure on his feet, he'll start to feel more comfortable walking while holding something in his hands, such as a ball or a stuffed animal. He'll also challenge himself by carrying heavier loads, so don't be surprised if you catch him trying to lift something too heavy for him, such as a briefcase. He's also thrilled to discover that he can run, not just walk, from one place to another.

25 to 30 months
By the time he's 2, your child has grown so confident of his ambling abilities that he now takes part in games like tag and ring-around-the-rosy. At around 26 months, his steps will become more even, and he'll have the hang of the smooth heel-toe motion adults use. At this age your toddler probably also enjoys jumping and climbing, which means you need to decide now what you want the rules to be about bounding all over the furniture.

31 to 36 months
There are still some actions — like balancing on a curb or standing on one foot — that require concentration and effort, but by the time your child's third birthday rolls around, walking is second nature to him. He no longer needs to exert as much energy to walk, stand, run, or jump, and he's more nimble on his feet. He can stop and start a sprint at the drop of a hat, and zip left and right with little hesitation. Watch him experiment with the power of his limbs — as he hops on one foot, for example.

When to be concerned
Kids develop skills differently — some more quickly than others — but if you're concerned that your child may have a physical delay or if he missed a motor milestone (he's still crawling at 18 months, for example), bring it up with his doctor. There may be perfectly logical reasons for your child's taking his time. Maybe he's busy working on another developmental task, like talking, or maybe he just likes to take his time whenever he learns a new skill. Keep in mind that toddlers who are heavier or who were born prematurely often learn to walk a little later than others.

Most children walk on their toes occasionally when they're cruising, especially on bare floors. Some do it just for fun. But your child shouldn't toe-walk the majority of the time. If you notice that your child walks on his toes all the time, he may have a physical problem (such as a short Achilles tendon) that's preventing him from putting his feet flat on the floor. It could also be a sign of a more serious motor disorder, such as mild cerebral palsy.

Your child's feet may turn in slightly when he walks, which is called in-toeing. For almost all kids, in-toeing improves by itself over time. If it doesn't, consult your child's doctor.

What's next
After your child's able to run proficiently, he'll develop the ability to skip. Some experts believe that skipping — which looks like pure fun but requires a complicated right-foot-left-foot motion and sense of balance — flexes the same brain and body muscles used to read and write. As your child's physical skills develop, you may want to channel his energy into organized group activities, such as soccer or gymnastics.

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