Sunday, September 23, 2007

When do You Find the Time.....?

More than once, I've been asked, "When do you find the time to write in your blog?" Or create new designs? Or clean the house? Or do all that cool Photoshop stuff? Or get a hair cut or pedicure? Or....breath....???

There isn't an easy, simple answer, but I would have to say: prioritize and multi-task are a big part of it. Oh, and make lists! I'm a big list maker. It really motivates me to cross things off, so it's more likely to get done if it's on a list!

Here might be my list for today [in no particular order]:

1. Finish report to manager and E-mail
2. Write in blog, moderate any comments
3. Make breakfast [Sunday is our big breakfast day]
4. Clean up after breakfast
5. Check E-mail
6. If there's time, do some research on story behind "We Are Marshall" [which we watched last night]
7. Laundry -- clean new sheets we just bought, fold clothes
8. Create some new designs -- it's been awhile
9. Complete FSA paperwork for refund
10. Return items to Target and K-mart [this probably won't get done until this week]

I'm sure there's more, but that gives you an idea. Thus far, I've done 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 [other than the folding part]...and I'm working on 2 now. And I've done all this online stuff in the last hour, because my baby is snoozing away.....Zzzzzzzzzzzzz................because when he's awake, he is my focus. And when the girls are here, they are usually the focus. No matter what else might be a priority, the kids are THE priority.

And that's key for me -- get stuff done when Nick is napping! Or during my lunch break. Or after Nick goes to bed. Whenever I can find a free moment, I squeeze something in. And since I've prioritized my list, I always know what my top "must do" items are. I do those first and then work down to the medium priority and so on. And accept that some things might not get done as soon as I had hoped [if at all!].

Oh well, the kids are the priority, so other things can just wait....speaking of which, my baby is awake, so it's time to go!


Anonymous said...

I hear ya! Nap time is the only time I get anything done!!!

Anonymous said...

I found you searching for the Marshall movie. Love the blog!