Friday, March 30, 2007

Formula Breath

Formula breath is pretty bad. How is it that those cute little things can produce smells that are so foul?? When my little one does a formula burp......oh my GOD, it's usually not pleasant. He's still a cutie.....

Fortunately, most things about baby smell good.....I love the smell of his skin, especially after a bath. And Taylor, one of his sisters, loves the smell of his banana baby food. It reminds me of the Baby Alive food......ick.

I had one of those dolls, and I only fed her once after all the food that went IN suddenly came OUT....much to my shock! My mom found this very amusing and asked me, "Well, where did you think it would go?" Hmmm....I never thought about it, but I guess it couldn't stay inside of her and rot. Gross. So, my poor Baby Alive only got to eat once, but I didn't want to clean up the mess!

Seems the Baby Alive doll didn't do a very good job of preparing me for motherhood! But Nick Knack is well fed, and I am no longer shocked that what goes in must come OUT.....and I've gotten over my issues with cleaning up the stinky and gross as it might be at times.

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