Saturday, March 17, 2007

Lord, I Miss Hawaii

I was up early with the baby. Had he not pooped his diaper something fierce, I'm sure he would have slept longer, but that's how it goes. So, I got him cleaned up, fed him a bottle and now he's asleep again! Meanwhile, Mommy is wide awake.....

Not much on at 6:11 a.m., so I switched over to the HBO channels and stumbled upon "Blue Hawaii." Now, I am not an Elvis fan, but I decided to watch just for the shots of Hawaii. I'm guessing this was filmed on Oahu versus Maui or another island. Even still -- it really makes me want to go back and soon! I'll put up with some horrible acting for the shots of the ocean....although, I really think Elvis needs to let the bitchy blond drown herself!

Today is St. Patty's Day. We have plans with a friend of mine. She was my Maid of Honor, and she delivered eleven hours after I did in the same hospital. We have that cool bond and always will. I'm hoping our boys grow up to be friends, especially since they can say they knew each other from birth -- literally!

I'm not sure if we'll do any green beer -- maybe some green wine! Should be a fun time. Seems as though we never go out or do anything anymore.....we just go to work and then work on got baby! I'm not really complaining, because I'm afraid I'd have Cafepress withdrawal after awhile....

My brackets are tanking. Unfortunately, Yahoo! isn't doing a very good job of keeping them updated! So, I'm not totally sure how I'm doing. I started out at the top of the family pool, but I keep losing ground.....however, my dad, sis-in-law and I all have OSU and Kansas in the final two, so this could get interesting....

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