Sunday, March 4, 2007

Handy Andy

My husband, Andy, is a very handy man to have around. He's an incredibly talented carpenter and good at fixing things. For the most part, he does a great job.

In his last house, he attempted to do some plumbing work that involved soldering....and well, it didn't go all that well. I remember it used to drip. I guess he never quite got it sealed.

We're in a new house now, and he's been busy working on his shop in the unfinished part of the basement. He put in walls and built shelves. His new workbench is very nice. He's very, very detail oriented and puts a lot of effort into his work.....which sometimes frustrates the HELL out of me. It sometimes seems like it takes him three times longer to do things than it should.....but that's another story.

So, he's busy working on his workshop.....which has been taking months. In his defense, he doesn't get to work on it every weekend. Now, he's decided to move a pipe to make way for some paint booth. Good Lord.....I'm not so sure this is such a good idea.....and HE agrees! He's reminded me several times about the dripping pipe at his other house....thanks, HONEY, but I didn't need any reminding.

At this moment, he's waiting for the dishwasher to finish, so he can shut off the water to the house. Again, Good Lord......may the Force be with him. I hope his second attempt at soldering a pipe is a big success! And that the words, "oh no" don't get uttered during this project....

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