Sunday, February 4, 2007

Lazy Sunday

Today has been one of those lazy Sundays. You know the kind -- you hang out in your jammies or sweats and spend much of the day on the couch watching movies. Taylor, my ten-year-old SD, has had a stomach ache since yesterday, and Nicholas and I are both fighting the evil Phlegm Beast. So, a lazy day sounded like a good idea...

Anyway, we've seen "Aquamarine" on HBO, "Cheaper by the Dozen 2" and parts of three other movies. Right now, we're watching "Shallow Hal." Slim pickings on TV....later, I'm sure we'll catch bits of "Legally Blonde" and "Stepford Wives"....and OF COURSE, the Super Bowl.

Fortunately, I can manage to be "lazy" and appear to sit on my butt all day but still crank out a bunch of new designs! And that's what I did. I added several "New Mom" and "New Dad" designs. Some funny Valentine's Day items. I especially like the "Fill 'Er Up" and "Thrice As Nice" for triplets.

I confess uploading and adding these to my shop can be a pain. I hate the part where I have to tag the images with keywords....and be creative and unique. I mean, come on, how many people have used "new baby" with their image??? Oh well, a necessary evil! But, as I said, the theme for today is being lazy....

I'm proud of myself for writing in my blog three days in a row. Woo hoo! Good for me. I'm working on making it a habit.

Speaking of new thing is to go to and post pictures of my kids and see how many votes I get! 15 is the most, but I do love the comments. I really need to return the favor....and vote on their kids.

I started this blog this morning, and I'm finally finishing it up. So now, we're watching the Super Bowl....."Shallow Hal" ended hours ago. I'm rooting for the French team, De Bears. [I'm probably the only one who thinks that was funny!] I hope they whoop some Colt butt.

GO BEARS!!!!! And GO FUNNY COMMERCIALS! I loved the Doritios one. And, of course, Bud Light. Those are always a hoot!

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