Friday, February 2, 2007

Welcome to the got baby! Blog

So, I'm finally starting my blog! Woo hoo! It's 10:10 p.m. on a Friday night, and I was laying in bed, thinking to myself, "I'm not tired....why am I just laying here? I should start my blog! And is it 'laying' or 'lying' in bed.....?"

Okay, so maybe it didn't go exactly like that....see, I'm suffering from the miserable phlegm beast once again. I made the mistake of taking a short nap with my infant son this afternoon, and now I'm paying the price! Of course, HE is upstairs snoozing away in his incredibly cute skull cap while I sit here typing at the computer.

I don't mind. It's nice having a moment to myself. Don't get me wrong -- I LOVE being a new mom and step mom and having my sweet, little family. But I was single, career girl for so long, and most Friday nights were just getting started at 10:10!

I digress. So, got baby! Yes, I've got baby! And a cute one at that! He was born in August 2006, and my life is forever changed. In a GOOD way, of course. I'm still trying to work off the baby fat....and who, by the way, said that breastfeeding would cause the pounds to FLY off?!?!?!??? RIGHT! Liar, liar, pants on fire!

So, a little about myself....I have a lengthy background in Graphic Design and Web Design/Development. I think I may have finally found a good use for some of my skills! Thankfully, a friend turned me onto Cafepress a little over a year ago, and I've been having fun with my shop and designs ever since then. I specialize in maternity and baby -- my own pregnancy being my obvious "inspiration."

Anyway, I think I secretly want to be a writer, too, so here is my outlet. They won't be making a major motion picture out of this anytime soon, but it's something to do at 10:10 p.m. while the rest of the house snoozes away.....

If you read this far, then you MUST check out my shops! ;) Here they are:

got baby! at Cafepress --
c2g Designs: Everything Else --

Good night for now -- I plan to actually keep this up and write [almost!] daily. And if you keep reading and coming back, then you rock!

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